The Property Mill Queensland – 21 September 2015

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In the Media

Up to 10 new solar farms destined for Australia

As many as 10 large-scale solar farms will be built across Australia thanks to $350 million in grants and funding announced by the ARENA and the CEFC. The move has been described as “transformative” for the deployment of large-scale solar PV in Australia (09 September 2015)

For more information, please click here.

Community housing gets an efficiency boost with CEFC finance

More than 200 energy efficient low-income and affordable homes are set to be built by not-for-profit community housing provider SGCH under an Australian-first agreement reached with the CEFC. This will see new social and affordable housing built to high energy efficiency standards (10 September 2015)

For more information, please click here.

REIA: Renters benefitting in a moderating housing market

The latest housing finance figures released today by the ABS reflect continued declining lending activity. The REIA says the figures for July 2015 show, in trend terms, that the number of owner-occupied finance commitments fell by 0.2 per cent (09 September 2015)

For more information, please click here.

REIA: Another strong quarter for the residential market

The REIA says that Australia’s housing market recorded strong growth in the June quarter of 2015, according to the latest REIA Real Estate Market Facts publication. The weighted average, capital city median price increased by 4.2% for houses and 3.3% for other dwellings (09 September 2015)

For more information, please click here.

PCA: Economic growth hinges on strong property industry

Today’s National Accounts underscore the central importance of a strong property industry if Australia’s economy is to continue to grow, and make the case for reforms that will unlock more investment and job creation. Property is already Australia’s biggest industry, contributing more to GDP than any other and directly employing 1.1 million people (02 September 2015)

For more information, please click here.

New support for carbon capture and storage R&D

The Australian Government is investing in the advancement of carbon capture and storage technologies, through a research fund designed to facilitate industry investment and research. The $25 million Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Research Development and Demonstration Fund will focus on transport and storage projects (31 August 2015)

For more information, please click here.


Government’s draft planning legislation continues reform agenda

The Palaszczuk Government has released its draft planning legislation and supporting regulatory instruments for public consultation. This includes the Planning Bill 2015, Planning and Environment Court Bill 2015, and Planning (Consequential) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (11 September 2015).

For more information, please click here.

Have your say on better planning

Queenslanders are being urged to help shape their communities by having their say on the draft planning bills released today for public consultation (10 September 2015)

For more information, please click here.

LNG shipments hit $1 billion as Queensland merchandise exports soar

Queensland’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports have hit $1 billion in just six months since shipments commenced. According to official Australian Bureau of Statistics data, the value of Queensland’s overall merchandise exports is also accelerating. Treasurer Curtis Pitt said (04 September 2015)

For more information, please click here.

In Practice and Courts

ASIC remaking ASIC class orders on real estate companies

Consultation Paper 237 Remaking ASIC class orders on real estate companies: [CO 00/213] and [CO 05/1243] (CP 237) outlines the class orders proposed to be remade and our rationale for remaking them. Submissions on CP 237 are due on 23 September 2015.

To read the consultation paper, please click here.

Announcements, Draft Policies and Plans released 2015

Better Planning for Queensland directions paper: Consultation

Have your say on the Better Planning for Queensland directions paper. This consultation will close on 25 September 2015.

For more information, please click here.

Draft Planning Bills released on 10 September

The draft planning bills will replace the current legislation – Sustainable Planning Act 2009 – and commence late 2016 and are open for public comment from Thursday 10 September to Friday 23 October 2015.

To read about the draft planning bills, please click one of the below resources for more information:

Draft City Centre Neighbourhood Plan

The draft neighbourhood plan incorporates the strategies that were developed as part of the Brisbane City Centre Master Plan 2014 response. Submissions close 25 September 2015.

For more information, please click here.


National Australia Bank Limited v Dobbie & Ors [2015] QSC 243

MORTGAGES – MORTGAGEE’S REMEDIES – POSSESSION – GENERALLY – where the applicant is the Mortgagee of two properties –where the first respondent and second respondent are the registered proprietors of the first property – where the third respondent company is the lessee of the first property – where the fourth respondents were the appointed receivers and managers of the first property – where the first respondent is the registered proprietor of the second property – where the applicant served a Default Notice on the first respondent and second respondent in respect of a Loan Agreement secured by mortgages of the first property and second property – where the applicant was not notified of the lease being registered on the first property – whether the applicant can recover possession of the first property from the first and/or second and/or third respondents – whether the applicant can recover possession of the second property from the first respondent.

To read more about the case, please click here.

Urban Potentials Pty Ltd v Southern Downs Regional Council & anor [2015] QPEC 042

PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT – EXTENDED DEFINITION OF APPLICANT – whether owner has to give consent to change in identification of the applicant – whether material showed that the new ‘applicant’ was a person in whom the benefit of the application had vested.

To read more about the case, please click here.


Water Amendment Bill 2015

Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications Water Amendment Bill 2015 [Provisions] Report, 8 September 2015; Hansard-Senate – Bill debated 10 September 2015. Hansard – Senate – Bill passed without amendments 14 September 2015.

To read the report, please click here.

Foreign acquisitions and takeovers Bills referred to Committee, 24 August 2015

The Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Legislation Amendment Bill 2015, Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Fees Imposition Bill 2015 and Register of Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land Bill 2015 have been referred to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 12 October 2015.

For more information, please click on one of the below resources:

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    Property and Commercial Tips and Traps – May 2015