

Who we are

We provide the full range of taxation law services, from tax planning through to tax disputes. We are dedicated to providing practical and commercial solutions for our clients.

From large transactions through to day-to-day business operations and private wealth management, we provide sound commercial advice to ensure your affairs are structured effectively from the outset.

We also have extensive experience dealing with all aspects of the lifecycle of a tax dispute with the ATO and State Revenue authorities. Our significant experience dealing with the revenue authorities ensures that we manage risk and importantly, the relationship of the taxpayer and their other advisers with the ATO or the relevant State Revenue authorities.

What we do

Our expertise include:

  • Income tax, capital gains tax, GST, stamp duty, land tax, payroll tax and all other direct and indirect taxes at federal and state level
  • Buying, selling or restructuring a business or property
  • Undertaking a commercial venture or project or injecting equity or debt into a business or investment
  • International expansion and cross border tax issues, including thin capitalisation rules, transfer pricing, residency status and issues arising under the OECD double tax treaties
  • Expanding or restructuring an enterprise for a trade sale or IPO
  • Asset protection planning, personal estate planning and business succession planning, including superannuation.

Our disputation experience includes risk reviews, audits and objections, alternative dispute resolution and formal litigation.

Recent projects

  • Obtaining a favourable private ruling outcome resulting in a refund of franking credits in excess of $1m to a private family group.
  • Obtaining a favourable private ruling outcome whereby the ATO has allowed dividends of $12m in retained profits and associated franking credits to be stripped from a family group company which was otherwise likely to be the subject of protracted estate litigation in a complex estate plan.

