Mills Oakley JobKeeper Analyser

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We have prepared a Mills Oakley JobKeeper Analyser styled as a Table (updated to 7 May 2020) which summarises key areas of the JobKeeper rules and requirements, including:

  • Overview
  • JobKeeper Fortnight
  • Eligible Employer re Employees
  • Decline in Turnover Test
  • Eligible employees
  • Wage condition
  • Eligible business participant
  • Critical Employer steps and notifications
  • Critical Steps and notifications for Sole Traders/Entities
  • JobKeeper payment
  • Anti-avoidance rule and fraudulent schemes
  • Appendix A: JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice
  • Appendix B: Notification to employee of information provided to the commissioner about the individual’s JobKeeper entitlement for JobKeeper fortnights
  • Appendix C: JobKeeper eligible business participant nomination notice

Immediate action is required to determine eligibility for the JobKeeper programme and enrol for the JobKeeper payment. There are particular actions and obligations that an employer/business participant entity must undertake to ensure entitlement, particularly in relation to:

  • Determining satisfaction of the decline in turnover requirement;
  • Meeting the Wage payment condition for all eligible employees by the end of relevant JobKeeper fortnights (by 8 May is fine for April JobKeeper fortnights);
  • Obtaining valid nomination notices from eligible employees and eligible business participants; and
  • Enrolment for JobKeeper, which should be completed by end May 2020 if not already.

There are also notification and reporting obligations to the ATO and eligible employees.

We would be pleased to discuss any of the requirements of the JobKeeper programme with you.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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