
Trent Taylor

Trent Taylor's expertise and experience in corporate and commercial law is underscored by a deep industry knowledge spanning agribusiness, manufacturing, distribution and franchising, health, tourism, technology, and online and professional services. Clients seeking clarity amidst the intricacies of mergers and acquisitions, commercial transactions, corporate governance, and regulatory compliance find Trent’s knowledge invaluable. His training as a litigation lawyer gives him a distinct edge, enabling him to anticipate and mitigate potential issues and disputes. Trent's proactive strategies not only propel businesses forward but also safeguard against challenges. His adeptness in business structuring ensures effective joint ventures and commercial arrangements. Beyond legal expertise, Trent's commercial background as a Director, Company Secretary, In-House Counsel and Investigator in Australia and overseas equips him with a unique perspective, seamlessly merging legal strategies with financial insight. His legal advice goes beyond legal issues, exploring the business ramifications of legal and commercial approaches. Trent’s expertise offers clients a comprehensive, commercial approach.


Trent’s expertise includes:

  • Mergers & Acquisitions: Comprehensive expertise in guiding transactions and capital raisings.
  • Industry Knowledge: Contracting advice to sectors including agribusiness, manufacturing, retail and wholesale, hospitality, tourism, health and fitness, and services industries.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Expertise in corporate governance, competition laws, and ASX listing rules for local and international clients.
  • Strategic Business Structuring: Forward-thinking approaches to protect business interests.
  • Joint Ventures: Expertise in crafting shareholder agreements and facilitating collaborations.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: Insightful strategies for safeguarding and commercialising trademarks, knowhow, and confidential data.
  • Distribution: Proficient in establishing commercial and compliant distribution agreements.
  • Franchising: In-depth knowledge in franchise structuring, compliance, and success-driven operations for local and international clients. Localisation of international documents for the Australian market to comply with Franchising Code of Conduct.
  • Manufacturing Contracts: Drafting agreements that optimise production while protecting intellectual property.
  • Dispute Management: Uses litigation experience to address commercial disputes, including intellectual property, partnership and joint venture issues.

Recent Projects

  • Technology Business Transactions: Oversaw the business sale of an IT SaaS company and share sale of a fintech platform. Included preparing business for sale.
  • Private Equity Deals: Managed a part-sale to private equity and co-investment in the early learning sector.
  • Franchising Expansion: Advised leading franchisors on local and international growth in the health and hospitality industries.
  • Manufacturing and Distribution: Consulted for an agricultural/specialty products company on manufacturing, tolling, distribution and supply contracts.
  • Startup Guidance: Assisted emerging technology/growth companies with shareholders agreements, IP licensing and key commercial arrangements. Included online terms and privacy policies.
  • Competition Insight: Provided expert competition/clearance/consumer law advice for promotions/campaigns, including for the construction industry. Drafting terms/disclaimers.
  • Business Restructure: Executed a complex restructure of a major professional services firm.
  • Intellectual Property: Developed IP and brand protection strategies for emerging and growing technology and online companies.

Professional Memberships / Accreditation & Activities

  • Member of Queensland Law Society
  • Member of the Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand
  • Member of Licensing Executive Society of Australia and New Zealand





Simon Panegyres

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