Special Counsel

Sam Hagdorn

Sam is a Perth-based litigator with expertise across a wide range of commercial disputes and industry sectors.

Sam primarily acts in contractual disputes in the Supreme Court of Western Australia and has also had success in tortious matters, particularly where related to professional negligence. He also has deep expertise in trade practices/consumer law, corporate, partnership and workplace (restraint of trade) disputes.

Increasingly, clients are seeking to leverage Sam’s experience for the purpose of front-end advice, particularly where the potentially litigious elements of contracts are in issue.

Sam is known for his mastery of detail-heavy and complex matters, providing astute, strategic and commercial advice, exceptional client service and relationship management and strategising and managing matters towards commercial resolutions.

Sam acts for clients of varied sizes and backgrounds, from individuals to ASX Listed companies.


Sam’s expertise includes:

  • Advice and representation in relation to contractual, trade practices/consumer, professional and financial services, corporate, workplace (particularly breach of contracts, duties and restraints), corporate and partnership disputes
  • Acting in matters before courts and tribunals, particularly the Supreme Court of WA
  • Negotiating and documenting commercial settlements, before or after the commencement of court action
  • Contract review, negotiation, preparation and amendment

Recent Projects

  • Acting for a high net-worth individual in a Supreme Court professional negligence and breach of contract action.
  • Advising and representing SC8 Limited – a public cyber-security company in relation to a R&D agreement with one of WA’s major universities and incidental matters, including regularly reviewing and advising on non-disclosure agreements and supplier’s and client’s terms & conditions.
  • Acting for and advising the plaintiffs in a complex family dispute over a business with substantial assets.
  • Acting for a founder and former officer of a mining/engineering company against that company, its MD and its Spanish parent company for oppressive conduct under the Corporations Act.
  • Acting for an Australian subsidiary of a multinational company against a former director and employee.
  • Acting for a well established private engineering company in a dispute against a former senior employee and joint venture party in relation to the establishment and conduct of operations in Dubai and Australia.

Professional Memberships / Accreditation & Activities

  • Sam Hagdorn is a member of ALFA International.




Special Counsel

Rachael Gibbs

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