The end of the line for Midnight Rider

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By Scott Coulthart, Special Counsel

Hollywood film director Randall Miller has been sentenced to two years in jail following the death of a camera assistant on set while filming for Miller’s upcoming Midnight Rider.

Appearing before a US Court earlier this month, Miller pleaded guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter and criminal trespassing. Midnight Rider’s executive producer Jay Sedrish also entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to a 10 year probation period.

In February 2014, camera assistant Sarah Jones was killed, and six other film crew injured, in a train crash while filming scenes for Midnight Rider on a rail bridge.

Miller and Sedrish were sentenced after the Court heard how the executive film crew had been denied permission from Local Authorities to film on the train tracks, but defied those orders and proceed to film on the rail bridge, thinking that no more trains would pass on the day in question.

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